Togo, this exceptional country |icilome

2022-09-16 22:21:30 By : Ms. Angela zhang

What is exceptional and at the same time extraordinary in this country, is that Togo is a small rectangle of barely 56,000 km2 (650 km long and barely 50 wide) with a density of more than 150 inhabitants per km2, a small country in which all the tribes, all the ethnic groups intertwine, where in every village and hamlet of the country we inevitably find another ethnic group, either living there, or having married there a son or a daughter of 'an ethnicity.Having thus me national of Anfoin of father and Glidji of mother (100% of the Lakes), I have half brothers and sisters Éwé and Losso, nephews of Siou, sons-in-law Moba and Kabyè.I could have married a girl from Grand Kloto when I was still a student and I kept very good relations with her and her family.I have Tem friends and Ouatchi nieces.This is to say that if by misfortune a fratricidal war breaks out in this country, everyone, wherever they are, wherever they come from, will pay a heavy price.Because we will only hurt ourselves.This is why Togo, my proud country that I adore, is an exceptional country where nothing can happen to us.Of course we will bicker, quarrel with dramas that we have known but we have always saved the essential, Living Together.This is why people always wonder why this very politically divided country is not experiencing a fratricidal civil war like other countries in the sub-region or in Africa. The diagnosis is made.It is up to us to tolerate each other and to cultivate living together.Hollow and meaningless article!The problem of Togo does not essentially come from multi-ethnicity!The problem stems rather from the fact that a trans-ethnic minority mafia has monopolized all the country's resources to cruelly starve the vast majority and keep them in poverty and economic dependence, with the sole aim of to have mental, social and political control over people!That's all!In the mafia (the “looting minority” according to Faure Gnassingbé himself) gathered around Eyadema Gnassingbé yesterday and around his offspring Faure Gnassingbé today, there are members of almost all the ethnic groups of Togo!And membership (or cooptation) is done according to “criteria” such as the following: - one must be intellectually mediocre, that is to say be incapable of reflecting on the major problems and on the long term;-you have to be greedy and run after undue material goods;-you have to be crazy about social bling to believe that you are showing off in this way, without having an ounce of meritocracy!In short, the “plundering minority” and multi-ethnic understand nothing of the Social Values ​​and the Virtues to live it together!Congratulations to you.Not everyone who works with this regime is just from the North.All ethnic groups are there and lurk around him.These are people for whom dignity is nothing.What did you smoke to see the poor country in such intense pink?According to you, it is therefore necessary to multiply without brake!You do not even speak of education to be given!You do not care!Excellent point Mr. Sossou.“Ayo” and Co. dream of a civil war before going to fight the Islamists.What an analytical error!You understand why despite all the stratagems and maneuvers this country has always kept a cool head, the inconsistency of certain political or supposed actors is obvious.Long live Togo in its plurality!Do I ring the thing Warrants?Stop thinking like Buridan's donkey.Besides, you are a genocidal gbemelan savage, so your rantings here hardly surprise me.You can coo here on the article rag of the semi-illiterate pseudo-journalist Anani Sossou that does not concern me.Can Anani Sossou, a guy under the dome of Yark Damehane, also have moral probity to speak on behalf of the Togolese people?Can a type of miss income from Belgian misery and highly corrupt who seeks to make money from the regime make a credible and honest analysis on the quasi-genocidal situation of our country or on the repetitive electoral robberies?Warrants you are k1 pathetic genocidal tribalist but the Time of your tribal-military-genocidal regime is well and truly counting.PLEASE READ: Did I ring you thing warrantsThis Anani Sossou smoked the carpet to come and debit this nonsense???When I tell you that the Kozah Nostra, the evil and sadistic diabolical satanic looting mafia of chi.en eaters led by the illiterate GNASSINGBE, is not only made up of Kabye, you see????TOGO IS SITTING ON A POWDER KEG THAT CAN “ECHPLOCH” AT ANY TIME!!!Mr. Anani Sossou, why don't you go and lecture your boss Yark and Fraud Gnassingbe and the members of the Kabye extremists (Extremist and Tribalist Hard Core) who are in the army and who have tribalized the army and who send their assassins to kill Atsutse Agbobli, Tavio Amorin, Bitala Madjoulba, Col Bataba, the Kotokolis, etc… It is to these unconscious people that you should advise and direct your morality at 2 bullets towards them.They are the ones who put the country and national cohesion in danger by refusing to play a fair democratic game and by instrumentalizing the army through repetitive robberies of elections dedicated to all senses;and pushing prelates and citizens into exile?And their leader Faure Gnassingbe, like his father, has never opened his mouth to condemn the crimes committed in his name since he is the sponsor and the main beneficiary of these blood crimes and crimes against humanity.I heard you wanted to be an MP in Belgium, Mr. the semi-illiterate journalist.Question?Is the way Belgians do politics?By killing people left and right?With armed tribal militias in all corners of the country?We will always tell the truth and we are ready to die for the truth.HOMELAND OR DEATH, WE WILL WIN!!!When we talk about living together, all the sons of all origins co-merge, this one with his hatred and his bitterness always teasesHere is this lazy Anani Sossou who refused to work in Belgium and who is currently eating under Yark Damehane's table.He doesn't even hide it anymore!The PAIY of the RPT, is defined when a minority crushes the hungry majority?Anani Sossou, we must stop playing with words.We are in a pure monarchical dictatorship imposed by a single tribal family.El Nino, the people who eat in Kozah Nostra and in the satanic sect RPT/UNIR of guru Faure Dracula zieux hoooonnnn de OWL GNASSINGBÉ, have their brains frozen, they can no longer think correctly!!!This so-called journalist Anani Sossou sees that Togo is formidable and exceptional because it eats under the table of the mafia, tribalist and regionalist regime of illiterate GNASSIGBÉ!!!But he absolutely does not see that TOGO IS SITTING ON A POWDER KEG WHICH WILL SOON EXPLODE because of the tribalist, regionalist, unjust and discriminatory policy imposed on the Togolese by this gang of criminals of the godfather, crazy loser Faure Gnassingbé!!!YOU MUST NOT COME TO SAY THAT WE DID NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS LITTLE RECTANGLE THAT IS TOGO, WHEN IT WILL FAST because a certain number of compatriots did not stop shouting loud and clear the misdeeds of this demonic regime of the GNASSINGBÉ!!!Everyone knows that we are sitting on a dormant volcano.Even the useless president of the Togolese, his uselessness Faure Gnassingbé knows it.I really don't like the words of opponents of Recto-Verso like Anani Sossou or Albert Kate.Nothing is going well in Togo.Point!Only article that I found useful from mr Anani Sossou since he calls for peace in this country despite our differences.Only downside, we were told that Togo was 56,600 square km, but not 50 km wide.Do your own calculations